
The Oregon City School District policy on medications is in accordance with the 1997 legislative changes. The following is a summary of the policy and regulations numbered 5315 and 5315%. The term "medication" refers to both prescription and over the counter (OTC) medications.

药物治疗s will be administered during the school day if they are necessary for the child to remain in school.

所有药物将由家长或监护人带到学校. 学生不得携带药品.

药物将用原标签容器带到学校. 如果是处方药, 标签上会包括孩子的名字, 医生的名字, 药品名称, 剂量和频率. If an OTC, the container will bear the original manufacturer's label and the child's name.

All prescription medication will be counted by the parent and a school staff person upon its arrival at school.

父母或监护人将填写一份 用药授权书 每种药物送到学校的表格. 您也可以在您孩子的学校获得此表格的副本. 

在上学期间将不服用草药和膳食补充剂. Self-medication is allowed in grades 7-12 for any medication that is not a controlled substance.

学生自行用药时,家长和学生需签署 自我药疗协议,家长将完成 用药授权书 表格,医生将在用药授权书上签字. These papers must be on file in the school health office prior to the student bringing the medication to school.

Students that are self-medicating will do so without any guidance or supervision from school staff.

The student who is self-medicating will carry a one day supply only and the medication will be in the original labeled container.

Students in grades K-6 may carry their own inhalers for asthma but must adhere to all regulations pertaining to self-medication.

再说一遍,这些只是政策和法规的要点. 如果你的孩子要在学校服药, 你可以得到一份政策和条例的副本, 整体上, 从你孩子的学校



Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA or Staph) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

什么是MRSA? MRSA代表耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌. 金黄色葡萄球菌, 或者更简单地说“葡萄球菌”,“这些细菌通常生活在健康人的鼻子或皮肤上. 当这些细菌穿透皮肤或侵入身体其他部位时, 可能导致葡萄球菌感染. Staph bacteria that are resistant to the action of methicillin and related antibiotics are referred to as "methicillin-resistant staph aureus" or MRSA.

MRSA不仅对所有青霉素类抗生素具有耐药性, 但它们通常对许多其他类型的抗生素也有抗药性. Infections with MRSA can be costly and difficult to treat because of limited antibiotic options.

在过去, MRSA has been a problem mainly in healthcare settings such as hospitals and nursing homes (healthcare-associated MRSA). 然而最近, there have been many reports of MRSA infections occurring among persons in the general community without any healthcare contact (community-associated MRSA).

MRSA有多普遍? 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌可以通过皮肤或鼻子传播,但不会引起任何疾病, 这被称为殖民. Approximately 25-30% of the population is colonized in the nose with staph bacteria at any given time; however, 感染MRSA的比例尚不清楚.

The exact number of new cases of MRSA infections in Oregon is unknown but the number of cases of MRSA in general is known to be increasing. MRSA is not a disease that requires reporting to the County Health Department but there is a surveillance project for MRSA currently run by the Oregon Department of Human Services to better understand MRSA infection patterns.

谁会感染耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,它是如何传播的? 任何人都可能感染MRSA, but MRSA infections are by far more common among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities. 少, MRSA can be acquired in the community and has been associated with recent antibiotic use, 共用受污染物品, 反复出现皮肤疾病, 生活在拥挤的环境中. 据报道,在注射吸毒者中爆发了耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌, 监狱的犯人, 以及摔跤和橄榄球等身体接触运动的参与者.

和其他类型的S一样. aureus, MRSA can be spread among people having close contact with colonized or infected people. MRSA几乎总是通过直接的身体接触而不是通过空气传播. 传播也可通过接触物体的间接接触发生.g., 毛巾, 表, 伤口敷料, 衣服, 锻炼区域, 或运动器材)被MRSA定植或感染的人污染.

MRSA的症状是什么? Symptoms of MRSA infection are, for the most part, not different from any other staph infection. 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌可能呈红色, 肿, tender skin surrounding a cut or in the form of a large pimple (boil) and may include drainage of thick white pus. A strain of MRSA that has caused community-associated infections may be more likely to result in skin infections and pneumonia more commonly than other types of staph infections. This community-associated strain of MRSA responds to a limited number of commonly used antibiotics.

如何诊断MRSA? Diagnosis is confirmed by identifying the bacteria grown in a laboratory culture from a sample, 通常从引流病变处或鼻后拭子中提取. Some health care providers will diagnose MRSA based on the appearance of the skin lesion and a known history of or exposure to MRSA.

MRSA的治疗方法是什么? The treatment of staph infections depends on multiple factors such as the site of infection, 疾病的严重程度, 以及感染菌株对抗生素的敏感性. Colonization of the skin or nose usually is not a reason for antibiotic treatment except in special circumstances. 小的、局部的皮肤丘疹或疖子可以在不使用抗生素的情况下改善. When antibiotics are required, there are usually only a few from which to choose. 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌对青霉素和所有类青霉素药物具有耐药性. 大多数医院获得性MRSA也对许多其他抗生素具有耐药性. MRSA acquired in the community usually has a broader range of potentially effective antibiotics.


包扎伤口. 用干净、干燥的绷带包扎正在流脓或有脓液的伤口. 按照医疗保健提供者的指示正确护理伤口. 感染伤口的脓液可能含有葡萄球菌和耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌或其他细菌, 因此,保持感染的覆盖将有助于防止传播给其他人.

洗手. 你, 你的家人, and others in close contact should wash their hands frequently with soap and warm water, 特别是在更换绷带或接触感染伤口后.

不要分享个人物品. 避免共用毛巾等个人物品, 浴巾, 剃须刀, 服装, or athletic uniforms that may have had contact with the infected wound or bandage.

清洗弄脏的床单、毛巾和衣服 用热水和洗衣粉. 用热烘干机干衣服,而不是风干,也有助于杀死细菌. Make sure your wound is covered if you participate in contact sports or other skin-to- skin contact.

保持台面、浴缸和水槽清洁. 清洁浴室柜台, 汇, 经常使用浴缸和厕所, as well as any other household surfaces that come into direct contact with your wound, 你的伤口引流, 或者你的手在你被感染后.

和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈. 当你在疗伤, tell any other healthcare providers who treat you that you have a MRSA skin infection. In the future, tell your healthcare providers that you have had a MRSA infection.

如果我认为自己感染了葡萄球菌或耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌,我该怎么办? 咨询您的医疗保健提供者. 与此同时, keep any wounds covered with a clean dressing and wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading potential infections to others in your household.

由詹妮弗·瓦因斯,医学博士,公共卫生硕士,华盛顿卫生官员准备 & 克拉克马斯县2007年10月18日

Adapted from OregonDHS Public Health Division and Massachussetts Department of Public Health Web Sites:
